Save the Date – Annual Meeting 2018

We are pleased to announce details of the DMDU Society’s 2018 Annual Meeting, which will be held 13 through 15 November, 2018 – please save the date!


This year’s meeting will be held in Southern California and will be hosted jointly by the RAND Corporation and the local government of Culver City, California. (Look up Culver City in the index of any book on “Hollywood” history to discover where it all really happened. Culver City is also an important hub for emerging digital and visualization technologies.)  Our 2018 theme will focus on DMDU in urban planning and technology sectors, with a particular emphasis on Latin American and Pacific Rim communities.



Seating for this event is limited and registration is required. General announcements will be made over e-mail and through our websites when registration opens in early April. If you would like to receive a personal notification, please notify us of your interest by e-mailing


Abstract Submission

A call for abstracts will be opening soon for oral and/or poster presentations. Abstracts related to the themes of urban planning and technology or involving communities from Latin America or the Pacific Rim will be given special consideration. You may also propose to present a tool or model that is relevant to DMDU in the showcase session. Abstracts will be accepted until 31 May.


Key Dates

Early April: Event Registration  and Call for Abstracts open

31 May: Deadline for submission of oral and poster abstracts

22 June: Selected presenters will be notified

31 August: Discussion session panelists, logistics, and workshop content will be confirmed

13-15 November: 2018 Annual Meeting


If you have any questions, please e-mail DMDU Society Administrator Andrea Golay. We look forward to seeing you there!


the 2018 DMDU Workshop Committee:

Steven Popper (Chair, RAND)
Andrea Golay (RAND)
Judy Lawrence (Victoria Univ of Wellington, New Zealand)
Rob Lempert (RAND)
Sadie McEvoy (Deltares/TU Delft)
Edmundo Molina-Perez (Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México)
Julie Rozenberg (World Bank)
Thomas Small (Vice Mayor, Culver City)

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