2019 Annual Meeting Post Conference Workshop

The governmental challenge of anticipating the future with decisions about end-of-lifetime water infrastructure

Venue: Bouwcampus, Building 26 Part A of TU Delft. Room: Yellow Brick (20 persons)

Conveners: Wieke Pot, Maarten van der Vlist and Art Dewulf (Wageningen University)

Date: 8th of November 2019

Time: 8.30 – 13.00

Workshop Description

Climate change, digital transformation, and the energy transition are among the grand challenges that increase the need for governments to take into account, anticipate, and shape the long term with their current-day investment decisions. Furthermore, in the Netherlands, United States, and other countries water infrastructure is ageing and in need for replacement. This workshop will specifically zoom in on the challenge of anticipating future challenges with decisions about end-of-lifetime water infrastructure. Research findings about this topic will be shared at the beginning of the session. The workshop will include three presentations from practitioners from the Dutch national water authority, a regional water authority, and the Dutch foundation for urban drainage. These presentations will zoom in into three different long-term challenges: of the energy transition, of climate change adaptation at the local level, and of the challenge of ageing/end-of-lifetime water infrastructure. The group will then break out in three to discuss the challenges in more detail and formulate recommendations for practice. We invite both practitioners and academics, from the Netherlands ánd abroad. You can join this workshop together with signing up for the DMDU annual conference, but also by signing up only for this particular post-conference workshop.

If you have eny questions, please contact Wieke Pot (wieke.pot@wur.nl)