Postdoctoral Associate in Decision Analysis for Air Quality and Health Outcomes – Penn State University

JOB DESCRIPTION AND POSITION REQUIREMENTS: The Department of Geosciences at Penn State University is announcing a Postdoctoral Associate position in Decision Analysis for Air Quality and Health Outcomes. The successful candidate will play a central role in the DOE-funded Baltimore Urban Integrated Field Laboratory. The postdoc will be co-advised by Dr….

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Faculty position in robustness, resiliency and sustainability in the face of climate change and extreme events – Cornell University

The School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Cornell University (Ithaca campus) invites applications for a faculty position (all ranks considered) in the broad areas of natural and engineered systems and their robustness, resiliency and sustainability in the face of climate change and extreme events. Some areas of interest include,…

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Assistant/Early Associate Professor in Water and Sustainability – Cornell University

The Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering (BEE) in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) at Cornell University invites applications for a 9-month, full-time, tenure-track faculty position in the area of water and sustainability at the rank of assistant or early associate professor. The position will contribute broadly…

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