Wang, H., Wanakule, N., Asefa, T., Erkyihun S., Basdekas L., and Hayslett, R. 2023, Application of Multi-Objective Optimization for multiple Supply resources allocation, Journal of Water Resource Planning and Management. This study is motivated by multipleobjective optimization in short-term water management for a regional water utility. Although an increasing application…
A Risk-Based Framework to Evaluate Infrastructure Investment Options for a Water Supply System
Wang, H., Wanakule, N., Asefa, T. and Erkyihun, S, 2022, A risk-based framework to evaluate infrastructure investment option for a water supply system, Journal of Environmental Engineering, November 2022 | Volume 148, Issue 11, 2022. Increasing water demand due to socio-economic development often requires structure-level interventions, e.g., infrastructure expansion…
DMDU Summer School 2023
July 24 – August 4, 2023Mexico CityTecnologico de MonterreySchool of Government and Public TransformationApplication Deadline: March 20th, 2023 Program overview Offered in collaboration with the Society for Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty (, the purpose of the DMDU summer school is to bring together graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, practitioners, and…
Election Results 2023
Thank you to all our members who cast their vote in our recent election! The new Society Leadership for the next two years will be: President: Jan Kwakkel (TU Delft) Vice President: Julie Rozenberg (World Bank) Communications & Outreach Chair: Antonia Hadjimichael (Penn State University) Education & Training Chair: Edmundo Molina-Perez (Tecnológico de…
New Career Office Hours added
In September, we announced a series of office hours as part of a virtual career mentoring program. We are announcing two new office hours for December and January with Dr. Robert Lempert and Prof. Jan Kwakkel, respectively. More information below: December 15th 9am PT/12pm ET/6pm CET – Robert Lempert Robert…
November career office hour – Julie Rozenberg
We recently announced a series of office hours as part of a virtual career mentoring program. The office hour for the month of November will be with Dr. Julie Rozenberg. More information below: November 22nd 7am PT/10am ET/4pm CET – Julie Rozenberg Julie Rozenberg is a Senior Economist at the…
September career office hours – Nidhi Kalra and Antonia Hadjimichael
We recently announced a series of office hours as part of a virtual career mentoring program. We are kicking off this series with two office hours hosted in September, with Nidhi Kalra and Antonia Hadjimichael. If you’d like to volunteer to be a mentor at a future session, please reach…
Announcing a new “office hours” mentoring program for early career members
Dear DMDU members, The leadership team is starting a virtual “office hour” program for early career members who would like to receive career guidance from other members (“mentors”). We will set up meetings every month or twice a month (depending on the number of mentors), during which a mentor will…
Call for Volunteers for the DMDU Society Finance Team
Our Society has prospered since its founding. We have made tangible progress on our goals of communicating and sharing the findings of our research, disseminating knowledge in application and practice, education and training, career development, and building within the Society a sense of community while also creating community with other…
Collaboration Opportunity: Robust and adaptive planning under deep uncertainties for space-based solar power
Blog post contributed by Kostas Konstantinidis. The European Space Agency (ESA) recently posted a call on space-based solar power on its idea platform (OSIP), to which I submitted a DMDU-relevant idea titled “Robust and adaptive planning under deep uncertainties for space-based solar power” that might be of interest to DMDU society members. The idea…