Substantiating Energy Justice: Creating a Space to Understand Energy Dilemmas (2020)

Wood, N.; Roelich, K. Substantiating Energy Justice: Creating a Space to Understand Energy Dilemmas. Sustainability 2020, 12, 1917. Abstract:This paper explores the relationships between the moral philosophical foundations and strategic goals of two conceptions of energy justice: the “triumvirate conception” and the “principled approach”. We explore the extent to which the goals…

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The Coordination‐Information Bubble in Humanitarian Response: Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Investigations (2020)

Comes, T., et al. The Coordination‐Information Bubble in Humanitarian Response: Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Investigations. Production and Operations Management (2020) Abstract: Humanitarian disasters are highly dynamic and uncertain. The shifting situation, volatility of information, and the emergence of decision processes and coordination structures require humanitarian organizations to continuously adapt their operations. In this study,…

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From Poverty to Disaster and Back: a Review of the Literature (2020)

Hallegatte, S., Vogt-Schilb, A., Rozenberg, J. et al. From Poverty to Disaster and Back: a Review of the Literature. EconDisCliCha 4, 223–247 (2020). Abstract:Poor people are disproportionally affected by natural hazards and disasters. This paper provides a review of the multiple factors that explain why this is the case. It explores the role of…

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Vulnerability and risk: climate change and water supply from California’s Central Valley water system (2020)

Ray, P., Wi, S., Schwarz, A. et al. Vulnerability and risk: climate change and water supply from California’s Central Valley water system. Climatic Change 161, 177–199 (2020). Abstract:Water allocation institutions globally must operate within legal and political contexts established by precedent and codified in operating rules, even as they flex and adjust to climate change….

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Navigating Deeply Uncertain Tradeoffs in Harvested Predator-Prey Systems (2020)

Hadjimichael, Antonia; Reed, Patrick M; Quinn, Julianne D. Complexity, 2020 Abstract: Multiple fisheries have collapsed as a result of overfishing and strong limitations in our knowledge of system conditions and consequential ecological interactions. Fishery managers need to establish harvesting strategies that balance economic benefits against ecological objectives, including avoiding unintended…

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The governance challenge of implementing long-term sustainability objectives with present-day investment decisions

Wieke D. Pot, The governance challenge of implementing long-term sustainability objectives with present-day investment decisions,Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 280, Part 2, 2021 Abstract: Grand sustainability challenges and international sustainability agreements require national and local governments to further incorporate sustainability as part of their present-day investments in infrastructure. To…

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From elite folk science to the policy legend of the circular economy (2020)

Mario Giampietro, Silvio O. Funtowicz, From elite folk science to the policy legend of the circular economy, Environmental Science & Policy, Volume 109, 2020, Pages 64-72 Abstract: This paper explores the implications of the widespread success of the term circular economy in the institutional and public debate. The concept of…

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Humanitarian access, interrupted: dynamic near real-time network analytics and mapping for reaching communities in disaster-affected countries (2020)

Warnier, M., Alkema, V., Comes, T. et al. Humanitarian access, interrupted: dynamic near real-time network analytics and mapping for reaching communities in disaster-affected countries. OR Spectrum 42, 815–834 (2020). Abstract:In the immediate aftermath of a disaster, local and international aid organisations deploy to deliver life-saving aid to the affected population. Yet pre-disaster road maps…

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Measuring social resilience: Trade-offs, challenges and opportunities for indicator models in transforming societies (2020)

Samantha Copeland, Tina Comes, Sylvia Bach, Michael Nagenborg, Yannic Schulte, Neelke Doorn, Measuring social resilience: Trade-offs, challenges and opportunities for indicator models in transforming societies,International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume 51, 2020 Abstract: More than any other facet of resilience, social resilience raises the inherent tension within the concept…

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Resilience by design in Mexico City: A participatory human-hydrologic systems approach (2020)

Sarah St. George Freeman, Casey Brown, Hector Cañada, Veronica Martinez, Adriana Palma Nava, Patrick Ray, Diego Rodriguez, Andres Romo, Jacob Tracy, Eduardo Vázquez, Sungwook Wi, Frederick Boltz, Resilience by design in Mexico City: A participatory human-hydrologic systems approach,Water Security, Volume 9, 2020 Abstract: Urban systems are embedded within and thereby…

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