Cyber resilience of autonomous mobility systems: cyber-attacks and resilience-enhancing strategies

Zou, B., Choobchian, P. & Rozenberg, J. DOI: Abstract: The increasing cyber connectivity of vehicles and between vehicles and infrastructure will drastically reshape mobility in the coming decades. While the advent of connected mobility is expected to benefit travelers and the society by smoothing traffic, improving rider convenience, and…

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What is Policy Analytics? An Exploration of 5 Years of Environmental Management Applications

Meinard, Y., Barreteau, O., Boschet, C. et al.  DOI: Abstract: Our digital age is characterized by both a generalized access to data and an increased call for participation of the public and other stakeholders and communities in policy design and decision-making. This context raises new challenges for political decision-makers and…

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Participation in multi-level policy implementation: exploring the influence of governance culture

Gollata J.A.M., Kochskämper E., Jager N.W., Newig J. DOI: Abstract: In environmental governance, participatory modes of political decision-making and planning are becoming more prevalent. A rationalist model of governance would assume that instrumental rationales prevail in choosing participatory process designs. Some argue, however, that public policy-makers also follow administrative…

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Co-creating local socioeconomic pathways for achieving the sustainable development goals

Szetey, K., Moallemi, E.A., Ashton, E. et al. DOI: Abstract: The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) recognise the importance of action across all scales to achieve a sustainable future. To contribute to overall national- and global-scale SDG achievement, local communities need to focus on a locally-relevant subset of goals and understand…

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Coordination and control – limits in standard representations of multi-reservoir operations in hydrological modeling

Rougé, C., Reed, P. M., Grogan, D. S., Zuidema, S., Prusevich, A., Glidden, S., Lamontagne, J. R., and Lammers, R. B. DOI: Abstract: Major multi-reservoir cascades represent a primary mechanism for dealing with hydrologic variability and extremes within institutionally complex river basins worldwide. These coordinated management processes fundamentally reshape water…

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The flexibility gamble: challenges for mainstreaming flexible approaches to climate change adaptation (2021)

The flexibility gamble: challenges for mainstreaming flexible approaches to climate change adaptation Jonathan Metzger,Annika Carlsson Kanyama,Per Wikman-Svahn,Karin Mossberg Sonnek,Christoffer Carstens,Misse Wester &Christoffer Wedebrand ABSTRACT Adaptive and flexible approaches based on implementing different measures as new information emerges have been proposed as a way of enabling robustness towards uncertain future climate…

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Shaping future perspectives in policy advice under deep, long-term uncertainty. The case of the Dutch Delta Committee (2021)

van ‘t Klooster, S.A. & Veenman, S.A. (2021). Shaping future perspectives in policy advice under deep, long-term uncertainty. The case of the Dutch Delta Committee. Futures, vol. 127. Since society is facing some major transformations, it is essential to understand how long-term perspectives in an uncertain context are shaped…

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Evaluating the economic impact of water scarcity in a changing world

Flannery Dolan, Jonathan Lamontagne, Robert Link, Mohamad Hejazi, Patrick Reed & Jae Edmonds DOI: Abstract: Water scarcity is dynamic and complex, emerging from the combined influences of climate change, basin-level water resources, and managed systems’ adaptive capacities. Beyond geophysical stressors and responses, it is critical to also consider how multi-sector,…

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Exploratory modeling for analyzing coupled human-natural systems under uncertainty (2020)

CITATION: Moallemi, E. A., Kwakkel, J., de Haan, F. & Bryan, B. A. Exploratory modeling for analyzing coupled human-natural systems under uncertainty. Global Environ. Change 102186, 102186, doi: (2020). ABSTRACT: Modeling is a crucial approach for understanding the past and exploring the future of coupled human-natural systems. However, uncertainty in…

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The Resilience of Inter-basin Transfers to Severe Droughts With Changing Spatial Characteristics (2020)

Murgatroyd, A., & Hall, J. W. (2020). The resilience of inter-basin transfers to severe droughts with changing spatial characteristics. Frontiers in Environmental Science, DOI: Abstract:Faced with the prospect of climate change and growing demands for water, water resources managers are increasingly examining the potential for inter-basin water transfers to alleviate…

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