We are a multi-disciplinary association of professionals dedicated to improving decision making under deep uncertainty. Deep uncertainty exists when parties to a decision do not know, or cannot agree on, the system model that relates action to consequences, the probability distributions to place over the inputs to these models, which consequences to consider and their relative importance. Deep uncertainty often involves decisions that are made over time in dynamic interaction with the system.

Get to know our Leadership Team.

We invite decision makers, practitioners, analysts, researchers, academics, and students to join us.


Mission Statement

The Society for Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty (DMDU) is a multi-disciplinary association of practicing professionals, scholars and students working to improve processes, methods, and tools for decision making under deep uncertainty, facilitate their use in practice, and foster effective and responsible decision making in our rapidly changing world. Our society is unique in its focus on developing, disseminating, and using these DMDU approaches across multiple policy domains such as energy, health, social and economic well-being, defense, water, environment, and transport.

The Society will pursue its missions through two main roles. The Society will act as a:

  • Service organization that grows and sustains a community for knowledge sharing, training and collaboration for its members;
  • Disseminating organization that enables best practice for decision making and managing under deep uncertainty to become widely applied, understood and continually improved.


Vision Statement

By 2023, the Society will have become:

  • A widely acknowledged source of information on decision making under deep uncertainty;
  • A successful “vector of contagion” into other learned societies, organizations and communities of practice;
  • A reliable and trusted source of professional support for its members as they pursue their careers;
  • A key node in the worldwide network of people and organizations working individually and collaboratively on DMDU methods and applications.

The Society will also:

  • Retain its current feeling of comradery and community;
  • Obtain sufficient and stable sources of funding to pursue its objectives, and
  • Provide valuable services to its membership.

The long-term vision of the Society is to be a thriving and evolving community of practice that will:

  • Change the culture, philosophy and language of both decision practice and demand for analysis;
  • Create standards for seamless integration of policy and analysis to bring about the processes of deliberation-with-analysis necessary for operating under uncertain conditions and in contentious policy environments;
  • Encourage wide-spread adoption of best practice for planning and decision making under deep uncertainty through public and private decision forums by presenting illustrative examples, training analysts and the audiences who will receive their analyses, and pioneering novel methods and tools to embody such best practice.


Strategic Objectives

The mission will be pursued and the vision realized by having a Society whose objectives will be to:

  • Ensure a sustainable Society with effective leadership and the drawing in of new interests, members and initiatives;
  • Engage in outreach to new sectors and locales while maintaining a sense of shared community;
  • Push the boundaries on science and practice, create opportunities for reflection and integration and establish means for the coproduction of knowledge free of disciplinary siloes;
  • Seek out, as both individuals and as a community, opportunities world-wide to change the nature of analytical practice and its interaction with policy processes under conditions of deep uncertainty.


5 thoughts on “About Us

  1. Mercy akpe Reply

    My name is Mercy Akpe, l studied Agricultural Economics & Extension in my first degree, 2nd degree I read Agricultural Extension with special interest in climate change. I want to join DMDU students programme for more training. Thanks for accepting my request.

  2. Pingback:Decision-Making Under Uncertain Climate Change: A Response, and an Invitation, to Bret Stephens | Society for Decision Making Under Deep Uncertainty

  3. Pingback:DMDU and Critical Infrastructure Systems – DMDU Society

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